Filtering by: Young Adults

My Money, God's Way
to Feb 20

My Money, God's Way

  • Gateway Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is a short, 3-week class for any young adult to understand how to align their thinking about money with what God says, and learn practical ways to follow a plan for financial security and independence. Pastor Kevin and Spence Boelter will be guiding this hands-on learning time and providing tools to make budgeting ideas easy to understand and apply.

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Teacher/Host Leadership Training
8:00 AM08:00

Teacher/Host Leadership Training

Interested in leading a Small Group? Attend the Small groups' Teacher/Host development meeting on Saturday, August 28th from 8AM-12PM in Gateway's Rm. C6! We want to equip you to have the resources and support to be able to lead your bible study group into Loving God, Loving Each Other and Loving His World!

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